I also love a snoozed email to be sent at a particular point.

But more importantly, this newsletter inspired me to spend 20 minutes at lunchtime picking out and ordering bulbs for October delivery. I’m transitioning the garden to moody, dusty blues, purples, and deep pinks, so I need another 60 bulbs to crowd out the red and yellow (it feels too cruel to dig up a plant that doesn’t fit my colour scheme so I’m just letting them stay til they’re spent). It’ll be such a nice surprise when they arrive in October, and I finally invested in a long handled bulb planter so it’s a less onerous job.

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Love this! Especially that you can schedule October delivery. Your future self will be happy...

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Happy or thinking wtf was I thinking, ordering 60 bulbs. Going to enlist my 6 year old in this endeavour. He’s in Legoland debt so is always keen for odd jobs :)

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Great idea- do you use a weekly paper planner and flip ahead to write the note into the appropriate week? Or how does this work for you logistically? I’ve had some success in make a calendar appointment as a reminder but sometimes I miss it (maybe the weekly planning would help)

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@Jenny - yep, I have a paper calendar that I make a note in. But you could also make a calendar appointment for the time when you normally do your planning. If it's always Friday at 1 p.m. or something like that, just create an appointment or note for that time on a fall Friday to think about the tulip bulbs. When you do your planning, you look at all the appointments/reminders for that time and see what you're supposed to remember.

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