I have a counterpoint to this advice. For me, getting things ready the night before DOES save time, because I’m employing another piece of advice I got from you, which is to match tasks to your mental state. In the mornings, it takes a bit for my brain to fully come online, so in the meantime I’m distractible and can’t think clearly - I might stare at my closet thinking too hard and too long about what to wear, or I might be doing one thing, remember another thing I need to do and do that thing, then do other things, and only then remember the first thing I had started but never finished doing. So, trying to do everything I need to do to get ready with my morning brain ends up taking much longer. The night before, however, I’m more clear-headed and focused. So even though I’m doing the exact same things I would be doing in the morning, I’m doing them *more efficiently* than I would in the morning, and thus still saving time overall.

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Once, I packed up our backpacks on a Sunday night, put them ready by the door, so we wouldn’t need to scramble in the am, and we got burgled! The packed bags with our laptops made it super easy for them. Lesson learned. But in all seriousness, we now largely wfh and have 1 kid with uncomplicated prep needs, so we don’t do a ton of prep the night before. We are all night showerers though. When I’m teaching, I’ve got a very early start, so I pack my bag and set out clothes but nothing extensive.

We like to start the day with a clean slate (counters clean, dishwasher stacked) but otherwise don’t do a ton of prep. My husband packs the snack while kiddo is eating breakfast. When I’m feeling organised, I’ll sometimes make up a basket of uniform sets so T can just grab and go, but the uniforms are fairly straight forward (leggings, polo, jumper).

Lunches… we have free school lunch in Scotland and it is such a massive improvement in my life. I really feel bad for my pals who pack their kids lunch. But also, maybe they could just tell their kid to lump it? But I have a happy eater who quite enjoys school lunch. T is at camp today which doesn’t provide lunch and I thought it was a faff packing lunch, considering what is nut free etc.

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I agree, it's often exhausting running around to prep for the day before. And at the same time, if I'm washing up dinner dishes, it's very easy to rinse out the coffee pot and get that set up. And if I'm packing up leftovers, easy to fill a bowl for my lunch. Neither of those steals too much joy since I'm doing something similar. Excellent advice about teaching kids to keep their stuff in the same spot so they can learn good habits which will serve them as they get older. My son always knew where his backpack and sports gear was since he learned young to keep them in their places. He is very organized now. Love your blog and Vanderhacks!

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Thank you! Yep, keeping everything in its place is huge in my house...

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This is my favorite advice of yours. I don't like prep to steal my joy. I'd rather get up a little bit earlier to get things done at the time they need to be done. (And I am not a morning person.)

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So glad you like it! In many things, the next day will happen as it happens.

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